Monday, August 10, 2009

Looky looky! New Bloggy!

Since LJ's picture storage/uploading makes me crazy, and our other Blogger blog is for Otter Necessities, I've started Yet Another Blog for general picture-posting. And here it is, I'll add links from LJ and Otter Necessities' blog.

So, about these pictures: A while back I decided I'd like to take pictures in Hillside Cemetery, which is on Smith Street, about a block or two north of the Palatine train station, as there seemed to be some older stuff there. New headstones are boring. Old headstones (and footstones, it turns out), are interesting. So we finally got there on Wednesday. We went about 6 pm, because the sun is getting lower and so the light is more interesting.

I think Ron took the first picture, and a couple others, I took the other two posted, and most of them for the evening. And most of them had to be rotated counter-clockwise a couple degrees - but some had to be rotated clockwise - woo! drunk Lon! Straightening was made even more fun by the fact that a lot of the older stones lean. And the cemetery is hilly. Finding a good line to straighten on was sometimes entertaining.

I need to work on my composition. Perhaps that's why I bought a book on composition a week or ten days ago?

Not sure these are the best of the batch, but they're the ones I grabbed this morning.

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